Gifts of Wellness

Looking for a meaningful gifts? Choose items that can be used year-round to support overall well being.  Use these pure essential oils in place of household and personal care products that contain synthetic fragrances. A few drops of lavender or citrus essential oil can be added to a washcloth (or dryer balls) to freshen laundry (in place of dryer sheets). And, a few drops of essential oil in a diffuser can set the mood in your living space (add Thieves or peppermint for the holidays, Peace & Calming or Stress Away for relaxation).

From soothing sore muscles (Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream or Deep Relief roller) after a workout, to smoothing skin on your face and body (Genesis Body Lotion, Sheerlume, ART Skincare), there are luxurious items for everyone on your shopping list.  Remember, everything you put on – or in – your body will wind up in your bloodstream and impact the way you feel. Very important to choose products free of potentially harmful and hormone-disrupting ingredients.  Here are some of the product lines I recommend:

Thieves – from green cleaning products (all purpose cleaner), to toothpastes and mouthwash (love this!), laundry & dish soap – all based on this ancient blend of essential oils that kept a gang of thieves from catching a disease as they did their dirty work, robbing victims of the Plague (If it kept those bad guys from getting sick – imagine what it could do for your family during cold & flu season).

NingXia Red – is a super-concentrated wellness drink featuring gogi berries that come from a province in China where many residents live to be centigenerians. All you need is one shot (2 oz) a day. Try it and see how you feel (disclosure: I hesitated to share the full benefits of this product because it’s hard to believe 2 oz of a tasty juice drink could make a difference, but I feel more alert, tummy relaxed and revitalized when I drink this first thing in the morning).

Skincare – I faithfully use the Wolfberry Eye Cream, Sheerlume brightening face cream and Genesis body lotion daily, the ART Renewal Serum is a must-have – and a best-seller,  and either the ART Intensive Moisturizer, Sandalwood or Boswellia wrinkle cream (what me, wrinkles?!!?) at night.

For HIMShutran blend comes as an essential oil, shaving cream, aftershave and bar soap, and PowerGize is a nutritional supplement that helps people of all ages boost stamina and performance – use this along with your regular workout routine for optimal benefits.

There are also full product lines for babies, kids, pets and more. Something for everyone on your shopping list. Not sure where to start? Let me be your personal shopper. Message me so we can book a time to talk on the phone so I can offer suggestions for everyone on your shopping list.

I’m an independent distributor for Young Living Essential Oils. Please use my ID #1734225 as your enroller/sponsor when placing your orders.